35 years of rants about greeks
I have been involved with Greeks for a long time now.
I write things down, to first organize my mind, and then communicate.
I have lots of opinions*
*The last of these items on this list is the most important.
The links below will take you to a bunch of stuff I have written about greeks and greek life at Bloomsburg from my experiences. Some of the items don’t deal directly with greek themes…but I feel they do tangentially. These are MY EXPERIENCES, and as a result, DO NOT REFLECT THE OPINIONS OF ANY GROUP WITH WHICH I AM ASSOCIATED. Things I offer as part of a group are collaborations, and as a result: are typically less controversial.
You don’t have to ask me twice to get me ranting.
These pieces have vintages. Some things age better than others. Some of the things I have written in the past…even I don’t agree with today. But I offer these pieces in the effort to encourage thought and discussion on these topics.
And, since this page belongs to Greek Alumni, and one of our goals is to preserve and protect greek ideas and heritage over the years…maybe there is some of that too.
Have differing thoughts and idea? AWESOME! Send them to us, and you can have a blog post too. Not promising everything gets published here, but if it seems like it’s positive for greeks, or even an effort to advance good, safe greek life on college campuses, you can be assured it will at least get very serious consideration…if not published off-handedly.
It’s your website. This is my post. Hope you enjoy it…or it at least gets you to think:
Bloom U. Put students before Lawyers
Does acceptance lead back to segregation?
Greek Historic attendance chart