Active Chapter Support

As much as this is an Alumni organization first and foremost, we have to be honest with ourselves in the realization that Alumni without an Active Chapter on campus is basically a “dead man walkin”. Without an Active chapter, there is no future. The best you can do, is talk about “the good old days”. Well, folks who incessantly talk about “the good old days” are kinda obnoxious. As a result, how about we endeavor to keep our active chapters happy and healthy…instead of dooming ourselves to being “that person”.

Times change. Greeks must change with them, or risk becoming irrelevant at best, and extinct at worst. This Alumni Organization represents a HISTORIC CHANGE at Bloomsburg, because it’s the first time management of Greek Organizations has been completely outside of the University.

Disaffiliation of Greek Life has happened at many campuses around the globe. Greek Alumni understand why this has happened in recent years. Increased liability concerns, mixed with some dubious organizations and practices: leads to organizations inconsistent with todays sensibilities and concerns. That being said, Greek Alumni also see the potential in an Alumni staffed and run central organization…separate from the University…that can provide structure, history and best practices to students who desire the camaraderie of greek life in these changing times.

We feel those goals can be met with active chapters in the following ways:

Some services we can offer:

Education & best practices

Bloom Greeks cannot exist within a vacuum. Getting education helps illustrate what is possible, and how other campuses around the nation are implementing best practices.

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